041 4342196 utb@utb.go.ug
041 4342196 utb@utb.go.ug


Explore Kigezi
Wildlife Reserve

Kigezi Wildlife Reserve offers a serene and immersive wildlife experience in the picturesque Kigezi Highlands of southwestern Uganda, attracting nature enthusiasts, photographers, and travelers seeking to explore Uganda’s natural beauty and biodiversity in a mountainous setting. Kigezi Wildlife Reserve is home to a range of mammal species, including bushbuck, Uganda kob, buffalo, waterbuck, and occasionally elephants. Primates such as chimpanzees and various monkey species also inhabit the forests within the reserve.


Kigezi Wildlife Reserve is situated in the Kigezi Highlands region of southwestern Uganda.

The exact size of the reserve can vary, but it covers a significant area of mountainous terrain and savannah grasslands.

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